Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New Artwork

Good morning. Hard for me to keep up this blog when I am in the studio painting a lot! I will try my hardest though.
Have you ever just wanted to run away? I mean really wanted to run away, the kind where you would never be found. Maybe like to another time and place, maybe like an Alice In Wonderland? I would have to say if you do then you might just get a small peek into my mind.
Lately I have been living inside my head a lot. Plowing the fields of memory and emotions. I should think it is one of the reasons I'd like to run away. Run away from the past, from thoughts, and from the feelings the past evokes.
For some reason it has made me feel rather abstract, possibly because thoughts no matter how organized are pretty much abstract themselves. I mean no matter how you look at things there are always so many other ways to look at the same thing. The mind and how it interprets things is sort of like the facets of a diamond. There are just so many ways. Well anyways I should stop my minds ramblings and get on to the newest artwork.
The title of this piece is Soulful Satisfaction.

This piece is appropriately named. I started painting this piece with a very strict design in mind, well that didn't last! Before I new it my mind and soul took over and created what it wanted as usual. I find painting to be an escape, running away if you will. I mean how else can I describe the process. When I am asked it is always really hard for me to describe because it just happens. 
I remember a time when I sat down at the easel with a scene in mind and no matter what I stuck to it and painted just that. That is also when I wondered how abstract art was created. Now I sit down at the easel, on the floor, or where ever and just create from my soul. No control, and now when I try to control it... it just rebels anyways :) So glad it does because I love this piece!!!! This one definitely satisfied what was inside me at the time. When and if my soul leaves me at some point it will be as vibrant and colorful as this. I think it will be able to be seen as it will demand your attention . Take care all.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Cyber Monday Featured Art

Today's featured art piece and sale.

This piece is Pigeon Point Along The Pacific Coast Highway. This is an actual lighthouse in California. I find this lighthouse to be very charming! I enhanced the scene with a bit more bolder colors and detail but all in all it stays pretty true to form. This is a favorite of mine. Beautiful vibrant captivating piece. This piece draws attention and really makes a statement. The detail and crisp vibrancy just can't be ignored. I know I can't help but look at it in the room it is in. Just makes your eye wonder across it every time. :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thinking about many things today. Holidays seem to do that to you, now don't they? I guess being it is almost Thanksgiving you are expected to find the things you are thankful for, however, the thoughts plaguing my mind today are more about another year has almost passed. I find myself rethinking things and looking upon my life and wondering many things, including dwelling upon some regrets that I never even thought I would have. Lately my mind has been looking over my life. Usually happens around this time of year, so I can think about all the way through the New Year. Lucky me, however every year I learn another new thing about me. Sometimes they inspire change sometimes they just confirm why I am who I am.  Yep the ever emotional artist. I prefer to take these things out on a canvas but today the only art I have is baking for the holiday. Oh joy! I'd rather be painting and releasing these feelings instead. I hate feeling emotions. Probably why I paint, then they are there and not in my head!

       Anyways here is my featured artwork for today. The name of this piece is To Forgive Or Not Forgive
I think this piece explains itself quite well.

Also here is the pic of my newest release. My 2011 Holiday piece.
Named At The Peppermint Pole

All I have time to say today. 
Take care one and all and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Good morning on this Tuesday morn. Thanksgiving is fast approaching on us. Are you a fan of the holiday? I really am not, I am not for stuffing food in me to I bust. I am not a huge fan of food anyways. lol Never was. Anyways I think I will start off my day with the featured artwork of the day.This featured piece spotlight will continue till cyber Monday.
Today's featured artwork is named "Retraction Abstraction".

The colors in this piece are tan, off white, black, white, brown, gray, and burnt sienna. Where did the name come from? Well that is always an interesting process. I have to tell ya most paintings tell me their name before they are finished. In this case I finished the artwork. Took it to photograph it and while taking pictures that is the name that came to me. Why? Don't know. As I have said many times to people, I refuse to control the creative process, if that's what comes to me than so be it. Some artwork I just have a tough time naming. Nothing really comes to me or to many, it is at that point that I seek help from others. I believe that those paintings are meant to be named by someone else and usually the name  that gets decided on fits the piece perfectly, so hence meant to be!
This particular piece of artwork was born of frustration. I was feeling that all my emotions were twisted into a knot and I was trying to untangle them as you would untangle hair.  Did this painting untangle my emotions? To a degree, but being me I think my emotions stay in a tangle most of the time. There is always a struggle to a freedom within . Always seeking freedom of my mind and of my work. Always seeking to understand what it takes to be an artist and always wondering when I will feel I am there. Sometimes I believe I am and others not quite. My job creates frustration. On that note I am going to paint . Take care and make someone smile today. Good for your soul.   :) 
Thinking of doing a holiday painting giveaway again this year.
What do you think, should I do it and what should be the criteria of entry???

Here is its link.

Monday, November 21, 2011

This is my featured piece for today. I am featuring a piece every day. Those featured pieces I am also putting on sale for the holidays. Hope you enjoy. This piece is named "Wondering Through".
Let me tell you a little about this piece. The colors in this piece are red, black, and white. I created this piece when a person I did not like very much was coming back into my life, when I did not want them there. This person was a horrible person to me and I did not appreciate the way in which they treated me, so long story short this painting was born of that emotion. The original title for this painting was Wondering Through Hell. I just shortened it and made it less offensive I guess you could say. I consider this painting to be an abstract landscape and I would say you can see different things in this painting depending on who you are and how your emotions look upon it. I will point out one thing to you if you look to the left you will see two shadow people wondering through. This piece was originally much darker but I went back and toned it down. Looking back now I think I shouldn't have but at the time it seemed right. I always just go with whatever my heart and head tells me, sometimes later I regret that, sometimes I am glad I did. I often do not know how I feel about the painting to at least the next day and sometimes not for a month later. There are some paintings that sell before I even know.:) For now I'll be quiet and let you decide about Wondering Through and what it feels like and what it means to you the viewer.

Here is the link where it is currently on sale.

Starting my first blog ever

Hi and welcome to my blog. Not sure that I can keep even the most bored mind occupied with my ramblings but I am going to give it a whirl :) My blog will cover my wanderings in my mind, my art, my writing, and all the musings along the journey of life. I am a full time artist, need I tell you I am an emotional being. So buckle up your seat belt. Make sure you are securely strapped in and no getting off this ride to it comes to a complete stop. Your just going to have to bear with me till I get my sea legs but I promise you. I''ll try as hard as I can to let you inside my crazy mind. This ride leaves in 5-4-3-2-1. Here we go........

Lets start by a link to my etsy store. That way you'll know my artwork.