Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thinking about many things today. Holidays seem to do that to you, now don't they? I guess being it is almost Thanksgiving you are expected to find the things you are thankful for, however, the thoughts plaguing my mind today are more about another year has almost passed. I find myself rethinking things and looking upon my life and wondering many things, including dwelling upon some regrets that I never even thought I would have. Lately my mind has been looking over my life. Usually happens around this time of year, so I can think about all the way through the New Year. Lucky me, however every year I learn another new thing about me. Sometimes they inspire change sometimes they just confirm why I am who I am.  Yep the ever emotional artist. I prefer to take these things out on a canvas but today the only art I have is baking for the holiday. Oh joy! I'd rather be painting and releasing these feelings instead. I hate feeling emotions. Probably why I paint, then they are there and not in my head!

       Anyways here is my featured artwork for today. The name of this piece is To Forgive Or Not Forgive
I think this piece explains itself quite well.

Also here is the pic of my newest release. My 2011 Holiday piece.
Named At The Peppermint Pole

All I have time to say today. 
Take care one and all and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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